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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2022

Ferdinand 03 (3551728984)

"Ferdinand, der Reporterhund" ist seit seinem ersten Auftritt in DEIN SPIEGEL immer mehr zur Kultfigur geworden. Jetzt ist er dabei, sich zur beliebtesten deutschen Comicfigur zu entwickeln. Dass der Spagat zwischen lehrreichen Geschichten und großem Comic so leicht daherkommt, verdankt er seinem Autoren-Dreamteam, dem erfolreichen Cartoonisten Ralph Ruthe ("Shit happens!"), der die Geschichten schreibt, und Flix, einem der besten und meistverkauften Comiczeichner Deutschlands. Product details For ages 6-8 Format Hardback | 64 pages ...

Mac OS X Tiger : Kurz & gut (3897215144)

Mac OS X Tiger, die neueste Version von Mac OS X aus dem Hause Apple, ist noch schneller als seine Vorgänger und bringt eine Unmenge neuer Funktionen mit sich, darunter Spotlight, das Dashboard, ein völlig neues Mail-Programm sowie den Automator zum einfachen Erledigen komplexer Aufgaben.Mac OS X kurz&gut stellt Ihnen die grundlegenden Konzepte von Mac OS X Tiger vor. Sie lernen zunächst die neuen Funktionen kennen, etwa den RSS-Bildschirmschoner oder das eingebaute Wörterbuch, das Sie in nahezu allen Anwendungen einsetzen können.Sie erfahren außerdem, wie Sie den Finder, das Dock, Exposé, Spotlight und das Dashboard einsetzen. Die Konfiguration des Systems mit den Systemeinstellungen ist ebenso ein Thema wie die Sicherung Ihres Macs mit Hilfe von FileVault, dem Kennwort-Assistenten und den verbesserten Firewall-Fähigkeiten. Und da Unix die Grundlage von Mac OS X Tiger bildet, lernen Sie auch, wie Sie mit dem Programm Terminal einfache Unix-Befehle ausführen können. Dieses praktisc...

Kroatisch kinderleicht. Lehrbuch (3896578200)

Kroatische Kinder, die im deutschsprachigen Raum geboren sind, verfügen meist nicht einmal über fundamentale Kenntnisse der Sprache ihrer Großeltern. Daher bieten Kroatische Vereine und Gemeinden, Volkshochschulen und private Bildungseinrichtungen muttersprachliche Konversationskurse für den Nachwuchs der zahlreichen KroatInnen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz an. Allerdings gab es bisher kaum geeignetes, motivierendes Material für diese Zwecke auf dem Buchmarkt.Das neue farbig illustrierte Buch von Emeli Wethmar schließt jetzt diese Lücke. Insgesamt enthält es etwa 1.000 Lernwörter, die in 150 farbigen Abbildungen vermittelt werden. Die Konversationstexte beinhalten einfache Fragesätze, Aussagesätze und Verneinungssätze, besitzanzeigende Fürwörter, wichtige Verben und Eigenschaftswörter. Die Lektionen sind themenbezogen und altersgerecht: Zahlen, Farben, Begrüßung, auf dem Bauernhof, im Zoo, Obst, Schule, Freizeit/Urlaub etc.Das Lernprogramm eignet sich auch für Erwachsene, ...

The Vineyard (9780520210905)

Set in the Napa Valley at the turn of the century, this novel beautifully evokes the characters' love of the land and the rhythms of life lived close to the earth and its seasons. Spirited Alda Pendle is the daughter of a viticulturist who has taught her his craft. When he dies, leaving her without property, her skills make her indispensable to the solitary owner of one of the old vineyards in the valley. The novel provides a vivid history of winemaking in California to the Prohibition era. Product details Format Paperback | 285 pages Dimensions ...

Breastfeeding (9780751338850)

Expert advice on all aspects of breastfeeding, including how to begin, the importance of good positioning and how to avoid problems. Baby and you will be so well cared for with this engaging and helpful new guide to breastfeeding. Product details Format Paperback | 64 pages Dimensions 186 x 236 x 5mm | 236g ...

The Highly Sensitive Man : How Mastering Natural Insticts, Ethics, and Empathy Can Enrich Men's Lives and the Lives of Those Who Love Them (9780806539331)

Although high sensitivity affects both men and women equally, being a highly sensitive man comes with unique challenges. Working closely with Dr. Elaine Aron - the originator of The Highly Sensitive Person--cognitive behavioral psychotherapist Tom Falkenstein offers the only book written specifically for highly sensitive men and those who love them. Bestselling classic and global phenomenon The Highly Sensitive Person has helped millions of people around the world. Now Elaine Aron's colleague offers help and hope for men with high sensitivity and the unique problems they face. Highly sensitive people think deeply, empathize instinctively, and tend to behave in an ethical way that benefits everyone. Today, with the negative effects of toxic masculinity and aggressive behavior in evidence all around us, we need highly sensitive people--especially men--more than ever. Yet for men in particular, being highly sensitive brings distinct challenges, such as gender stereotypes that portray ...

The Kinfolk Entrepreneur : Ideas for Meaningful Work (9781579657581)

Pairing insightful interviews with striking images of these men and women and their workspaces, The Kinfolk Entrepreneur makes business personal. The book profiles both budding and experienced entrepreneurs across a broad range of industries (from fashion designers to hoteliers) in cities across the globe (from Copenhagen to Dubai). Readers will learn how today's industry leaders handle both their successes and failures, achieve work-life balance, find motivation in the face of adversity, and so much more. Product details Format Hardback | 368 pages Dimensions ...

下着の描き方 (4768308066)

1.下着の種類  ブラジャー/ショーツ(パンツ)/ファンデーション/ランジェリー/男性用下着 2.下着の基本  ・女性下着の種類 ブラジャー/ショーツ/その他  ・男性下着の種類 アンダーウェア 3.下着の描き方 4.ポーズの描き方 Product details Publication date 15 Dec 2016 Publisher 玄光社 Language Japanese ISBN13 ...

Talon (9781721340057)

Never touch another club member's sister. It's one rule in the MC I'll never understand. That means Gemma is off limits. Too bad I don't listen to rules very well. I'll make Gemma see that she's the only woman for me. On my bike, in the clubhouse. She'll be mine. The Devil Saints are on our heels though, so I won't get to take my sweet time with her. And that's all I want to do. If I have to kill somebody to be with her, so be it. Those bastards have no idea what it really means to be the devil. I'll show them. Talon (The Road Rebels MC) is a full-length standalone bad-boy motorcycle romance. Product details Format CD-Audio ...

Political Data Handbook : OECD Countries (9780198280538)

This fully revised and updated edition of an established reference book, provides in one volume the most comprehensive and detailed statistical guide available to the government and politics of the twenty-four countries in the OECD. There is no lack of statistical data about the OECD countries (the nineteen countries of Western Europe together with Cabada, the United States, Japan, Australia, and New Sealand); but much of the material is hard to track down and little is available in comparative form. The editors of the present volume have sifted through many hundreds of sources to select the essential facts and figures on population, social structure, employment, the economy, public finance, government structures, and political parties from 1950 to the present day. In addition they provide social and economic background for each of the countries covered to enable the data to be put in context. A short final section lists sources of further information. The resulting combination is b...

Meine Sterne 2012 : Horoskopkalender für jeden Tag (3894275782)

"Die Sterne machen geneigt, aber sie zwingen nicht", lautet eine Astrologen-Weisheit. Wenn man diesen Satz ernsthaft in Erwägung zieht, sollte man sich informieren, wozu ein bestimmter Tag des Jahres einen "geneigt" machen möchte. Hartmut Radel, einer der renommiertesten Astrologen und Sachbuch-Autoren Deutschlands, leistet genau dies mit seinem "Sternenweisheits-Kalender". Er beschreibt die einzelnen Tages-As­pekte und hilft damit, die Tages- und Jahres-Pla­nung ganz bewusst an den astrologischen Vor­ga­ben auszurichten. Product details Format Paperback | 160 pages ...

How To Kill Your Brand (9783648143117)

Marketingkampagnen dienen dazu, Konsumenten emotional mitzureißen. Unser inneres Kind ist der emotionale Entscheider für und gegen Marken und damit das wichtigste Erfolgskriterium aus Marketingsicht. Anbieter, die das innere Kind abholen, sind erfolgreicher: die Autoren zeigen, wie Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Fisherman's Friend, Bosch, Commerzbank, u.v.m. das tun  - oder auch nicht tun! Die Matroschka versinnbildlicht eine ideale Sichtweise auf den Menschen: Die kleine Figur repräsentiert das innere Kind, und die äußere Schicht unsere Benutzeroberfläche. Zwischen beiden kommt es immer wieder zu Konflikten, die Marken mit der richtigen Botschaft lösen können. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie Emotionsforschung dem Marketing eine Entscheidungsgrundlage bieten kann, um das innere Kind nicht nur sichtbar zu machen, sondern auch optimal anzusprechen und bietet fundierte Grundlagen für die vielen enthaltenen Praxisbeispiele.   Product details ...

True Urbanism : Living In and Near the Center (9781932364286)

Mark Hinshaw has a proposition for Americans: Come out of the bunker, throw open the gates, and meet the neighborhood. In this passionate appeal, he introduces those who have already done just that and explains what cities can do to make true urbanism possible. He rejoices in the growing number of people rejecting sterile, paint-by-numbers subdivisions in favor of vibrant and unpredictable urban neighborhoods. This vivid account of cities small and large emerging from the cobwebs of late 20th century development will show communities with lingering antiurban tendencies how to embrace density as destiny. A must-read urban design book for anyone who cares about cities. Product details Format Hardback | 240 pages ...

Cotton and Williams' Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 7e (9781118406465)

Translated into seven languages, Cotton and Williams' Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy has for the last 25 years been the basic primer for endoscopy around the world, providing clear, clinical and practical guidance on the fundamentals of endoscopy practice, from patient positioning and safety, how to perform different endoscopic procedures, and the latest in therapeutic techniques and advances in technology. It's key strength and reason for its popularity is its step-by-step, practical approach, especially with the use of outstanding colour artwork to illustrate the right and wrong ways to perform endoscopy. Add to this the weight and expertise of its author team, led by Peter Cotton and Christopher Williams, and the final result is an essential tool for all gastroenterologists and endoscopists, particularly trainees looking to improve their endoscopic technique. Joining Peter Cotton, Christopher Williams and Brian Saunders in the seventh edition are two exciting stars in...

Tower of the Five Orders (9780544336308)

Colophon Letterford's life changed overnight when she uncovered Shakespeare's lost manuscripts. Now the authenticity of those manuscripts is in question and the family publishing business is in danger. In this exciting mystery, thirteen-year-old Colophon travels from Oxford's lofty Tower of the Five Orders to the dank depths of London's sewers in her pursuit of truth and honor. But the stakes are high. Budding cryptologists, Shakespeare fans, and mystery lovers alike will revel in the twists and turns of this fascinating middle grade sequel to Secrets of Shakespeare's Grave. Product details For ages 9-12 Format ...

Psychiatry Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Third Edition (9780071549714)

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. 2,300+ quick-hit questions and answers help you ace the psychiatry board and in-service exams Psychiatry Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom: Third Edition contains more than 2,300 quick-hit questions and answers addressing the most frequently tested topics on psychiatry board and in-service examinations. Only the correct answers are given, so only the correct answers can be memorized. The rapid-fire question-and-answer format with checkboxes to mark which questions to come back to lends itself to studying alone or with a partner. Every question in this edition has been carefully evaluated to make sure it is completely up-to-date. The new edition addresses four sections of major importance on the boards: General Information; Psychopathology (such as eating disorders and sleep disorders); Special Topic...

The Great Book of Country : Amazing Trivia, Fun Facts & The History of Country Music (9781648450716)

Do you love country music? Are you a bit of a trivia lover? Then The Great Book of Country is for you! Whatever you're a fan of Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson or any of the other legendary artists within Country, this book is packed with interesting and true stories for everyone to enjoy. In The Great Book of Country, you'll learn the answers to the following questions: Where does country music come from originally?What was the main topic in early country music?The term "country" refers to what?The genre bluegrass is named after what?Who was the first woman in country to sell more than a million records? And so much more! The history of country music is not just about facts and dates. It's about understanding and connecting the dots between all those events and people who have shaped up and maintained the genre. The best way to reach this goal is, of course, to have fun along the way. And this is what we've tried to achieve in The Great Book of Co...

Prism of Lyra : An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage (9781891824876)

The Prism of Lyra is a book that examines the idea of creation in a different light. In contrast to the notion that humans are the result of creation, it explores the idea that the collective humanoid consciousness (or soul) created our universe for specific purposes. What are those purposes? Who is involved? These questions and many more are addressed, resulting in startling possibilities. The Prism of Lyra then traces various off-planet races (Lyra, Vega, the Pleiades, Orion, Zeta Reticuli, and more) through their own evolution and ties them into the developing Earth. Highlighted is the realization of our galactic interconnectedness and our shared desire to return home. Product details Format Paperback | 176 pages ...

OSAT World History/Geography (018) Study Guide : Test Prep and Practice Questions for the CEOE OSAT World History/Geography (018) Exam (9781941759820)

Cirrus Test Prep's OSAT World History/Geography (018) Study Guide: Test Prep and Practice Questions for the CEOE OSAT World History/Geography (018) Exam will provide you with a detailed overview of the OSAT 018, so you know exactly what to expect on test day. We'll take you through all the concepts covered on the test and give you the opportunity to test your knowledge with practice questions. Even if it's been a while since you last took a major test, don't worry; we'll make sure you're more than ready! Cirrus Test Prep's OSAT World History/Geography (018) Study Guide: Test Prep and Practice Questions for the CEOE OSAT World History/Geography (018) Exam includes: A comprehensive REVIEW of: World History - Early Civilizations and the Great Empires - World Religions - Feudalism Through the Era of Expansion - Armed Conflicts - Global Conflicts - Post-Cold War World Geography - What is Geography? - Human Characteristics of Place - Economic Patterns - Poli...

A feast for crows. A song of ice and fire / Book 4 (9780553582031)

THE BOOK BEHIND THE FOURTH SEASON OF THE ACCLAIMED HBO SERIES GAME OF THRONES Few books have captivated the imagination and won the devotion and praise of readers and critics everywhere as has George R. R. Martin's monumental epic cycle of high fantasy that began with A Game of Thrones. Now, in A Feast for Crows, Martin delivers the long-awaited fourth book of his landmark series, as a kingdom torn asunder finds itself at last on the brink of peace . . . only to be launched on an even more terrifying course of destruction. A Feast for Crows It seems too good to be true. After centuries of bitter strife and fatal treachery, the seven powers dividing the land have decimated one another into an uneasy truce. Or so it appears. . . . With the death of the monstrous King Joffrey, Cersei is ruling as regent in King's Landing. Robb Stark's demise has broken the back of the Northern rebels, and his siblings are scattered throughout the kingdom like seeds on barren soil. Few legiti...

Physics Galaxy 2020-21 : Advanced Illustration in Physics (9788193975633)

Advanced Illustrations in Physics by seasoned expert Ashish Arora is a valuable asset for the Advanced Illustrations in Physics by seasoned expert Ashish Arora is a valuable asset for the aspirants of JEE Advanced examination. The book covers more than 700 advanced problems with illustrations. Detailed explanations have been included with video solutions so that students are able to grasp the fundamental examination edge of JEE Advanced. Every illustration is based on specific experimental analysis and practical situations from real life, so that students can understand how questions are framed in competitive exams. All illustrations are divided in several topics covering the syllabus of Advanced Physics for JEE. Features 700+ advanced problems illustrated with explanations Practical problems included from real life Video solutions included to help students grasp concepts better Product details ...

Histoire Des Berberes Et Des Dynasties Musulmanes De L'afrique Septentrionale... (9780341090335)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservati...

The Planets : Photographs from the Archives of NASA (9781452159362)

This magnificent volume offers a rich visual tour of the planets in our solar system. More than 200 breathtaking photographs from the archives of NASA are paired with extended captions detailing the science behind some of our cosmic neighborhood's most extraordinary phenomena. Images of newly discovered areas of Jupiter, fiery volcanoes on Venus, and many more reveal the astronomical marvels of space in engrossing detail. Anyone with an interest in science, astronomy, and the mysteriesof the universe will delight in this awe-inspiring guide to the wonders of the solar system. Product details Format Hardback | 256 pages ...

LA PALETA PERFECTA (9788416851416)

<La paleta perfecta es una guía de inspiración que analiza la relación entre el color y las emociones. Se estructura en torno a 15 atmósferas distintas, ilustradas mediante más de 150 bellísimas fotografías e ilustraciones fragmentadas en múltiples paletas de colores. El libro contiene más de 900 combinaciones de colores distintas que incluyen valores RGB y CMYK, creadas a partir de los contenidos de cada capítulo, de manera que el lector puede jugar con múltiples tonalidades de una misma atmósfera. <La paleta perfecta es una herramienta de trabajo muy práctica para artistas y diseñadores del mundo de la moda, la gráfica, el interiorismo o la industria textil. Product details Format Paperback | 302 pages ...