"Ferdinand, der Reporterhund" ist seit seinem ersten Auftritt in DEIN SPIEGEL immer mehr zur Kultfigur geworden. Jetzt ist er dabei, sich zur beliebtesten deutschen Comicfigur zu entwickeln. Dass der Spagat zwischen lehrreichen Geschichten und großem Comic so leicht daherkommt, verdankt er seinem Autoren-Dreamteam, dem erfolreichen Cartoonisten Ralph Ruthe ("Shit happens!"), der die Geschichten schreibt, und Flix, einem der besten und meistverkauften Comiczeichner Deutschlands. Product details For ages 6-8 Format Hardback | 64 pages ...
Monster Girl Encyclopedia, Volume 1 is the first in a series of highly detailed, illustrated books that contains one hundred profiles of wickedly lascivious monster girls. Considered by many fans to be the definitive go to source for sexy monster girls and the worlds they inhabit, Monster Girl Encyclopedia is a must have purchase for fans of Monster Musume, Nurse Hitomi's Monster Infirmary, and other monster titles. Including 240 pages of in depth bios, one hundred gorgeous full colour illustrations, numerous tantalising black and white spot illustrations, diagrams, and more, Monster Girl Encyclopaedia introduces readers to over one-hundred different species. Told from the perspective of a wandering monster girl scholar, these vibrantly illustrated pages teach us about sensual elves, dwarves, succubi, centaurs, mermaids, and much, much more, like you've never seen them before.
Product details
- Hardback | 240 pages
- 150 x 210 x 16mm | 612.35g
- 10 Oct 2016
- Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
- West Hollywood, United States
- English
- 1626923612
- 9781626923614
- 39,315
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