"Ferdinand, der Reporterhund" ist seit seinem ersten Auftritt in DEIN SPIEGEL immer mehr zur Kultfigur geworden. Jetzt ist er dabei, sich zur beliebtesten deutschen Comicfigur zu entwickeln. Dass der Spagat zwischen lehrreichen Geschichten und großem Comic so leicht daherkommt, verdankt er seinem Autoren-Dreamteam, dem erfolreichen Cartoonisten Ralph Ruthe ("Shit happens!"), der die Geschichten schreibt, und Flix, einem der besten und meistverkauften Comiczeichner Deutschlands. Product details For ages 6-8 Format Hardback | 64 pages ...
My Daughter, My Hero was written from excerpts of our lives from 1999 through 2011. The book contains most of my daughter's biography and rough start through all she had medically happen to her, the tragedies that struck our family again and again and just how life itself is precious and so short. All the hardships we faced as well as overcoming them and the good that has come from each step of her journey even from a very young age. I hope this book will raise awareness and help others by telling my daughters story, our story. No parent ever wants to hear the words, "I'm sorry, it's cancer," especially when it pertains to your child not yet three years old. Unless you walked this journey with your child you can not imagine the fear and worry you go through and how you would do anything and give anything to make them better and just when you think things can't possibly get worse, they do. Be thankful for what you have been given and always give back more than you received when all possible. Live, Laugh and Love.
Product details
- Hardback | 122 pages
- 140 x 216 x 11mm | 290g
- 26 Mar 2012
- America Star Books
- Fredrick MD, United States
- English
- Illustrations, black and white
- 1462666191
- 9781462666195
Download My Daughter, My Hero (9781462666195).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.
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