"Ferdinand, der Reporterhund" ist seit seinem ersten Auftritt in DEIN SPIEGEL immer mehr zur Kultfigur geworden. Jetzt ist er dabei, sich zur beliebtesten deutschen Comicfigur zu entwickeln. Dass der Spagat zwischen lehrreichen Geschichten und großem Comic so leicht daherkommt, verdankt er seinem Autoren-Dreamteam, dem erfolreichen Cartoonisten Ralph Ruthe ("Shit happens!"), der die Geschichten schreibt, und Flix, einem der besten und meistverkauften Comiczeichner Deutschlands. Product details For ages 6-8 Format Hardback | 64 pages ...
Travelers to foreign countries constantly praise these pocket-size phrasebooks for their portability, durability, travel tips, and their many easy-to-find phrases that apply to all kinds of travel situations
You'll find approximately 2,500 words and expressions in both English and French, plus pronunciation guidance. Each book includes:
Useful bilingual phrases for checking into hotels, shopping, dining, and more
Maps, advice on tipping, local customs, and more
Travel information, words, and phrases apply for both tourists and business travelers
A bilingual dictionary at the back of the book
New editions of all Barron's At a Glance phrasebooks have been brought up to date with words and phrases pertaining to recent social customs, new idiomatic expressions, recent advances in technology, and more. Also includes free bonus online content with audio.
Product details
- Paperback | 372 pages
- 86 x 156 x 18mm | 238g
- 05 Jul 2018
- Peterson's Guides,U.S.
- Barron's Educational Series Inc.,U.S.
- United States
- English
- Bilingual edition
- Sixth Edition
- 1438010451
- 9781438010458
- 2,412,931
Download French At a Glance : Foreign Language Phrasebook & Dictionary (1438010451).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.
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