"Ferdinand, der Reporterhund" ist seit seinem ersten Auftritt in DEIN SPIEGEL immer mehr zur Kultfigur geworden. Jetzt ist er dabei, sich zur beliebtesten deutschen Comicfigur zu entwickeln. Dass der Spagat zwischen lehrreichen Geschichten und großem Comic so leicht daherkommt, verdankt er seinem Autoren-Dreamteam, dem erfolreichen Cartoonisten Ralph Ruthe ("Shit happens!"), der die Geschichten schreibt, und Flix, einem der besten und meistverkauften Comiczeichner Deutschlands. Product details For ages 6-8 Format Hardback | 64 pages ...
Reversing Borderline Personality Disorder : Overcoming Cravings The Raw Vegan Plant-Based Detoxification & Regeneration Workbook for Healing Patients. Volume 3 (9781395279110)
"Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that was intended for our species? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains invaluable information, a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey. Product details Format Paperback | 106 pages ...